
Welcome to the heart of knowledge at Z Mount School! Our library is a vibrant hub where students and educators alike come together to explore, learn, and grow. With an extensive collection of books, digital resources, and collaborative spaces, the Z Mount School Library is more than just a place to borrow books—it’s a gateway to endless possibilities.

Section 1: Explore our Collection Dive into a world of literature, history, science, and more with our diverse collection of books. From classic novels to cutting-edge research, our shelves are stocked with something for everyone. Whether you’re seeking inspiration for a project, conducting research for a paper, or simply looking for your next great read, you’re sure to find it here.

Section 2: Digital Resources Access information anytime, anywhere with our wide range of digital resources. From online databases to e-books and multimedia resources, our digital collection is constantly growing to meet the needs of our students and faculty. Explore new topics, conduct research, and collaborate with peers—all from the convenience of your device.

Section 3: Study Spaces Need a quiet place to study or collaborate on a group project? Our library offers a variety of study spaces to suit your needs. Whether you prefer a cozy nook for independent study or a collaborative area for group work, you’ll find the perfect spot to focus and engage with your studies.

Section 4: Events and Workshops Stay engaged and informed with our calendar of events and workshops. From author visits to research seminars, there’s always something happening at the Z Mount School Library. Join us for thought-provoking discussions, hands-on workshops, and opportunities to connect with fellow students and educators.

Section 5: Library Services Our dedicated staff are here to support you on your academic journey. Whether you need assistance finding resources, navigating databases, or honing your research skills, we’re here to help. Visit the circulation desk or schedule a one-on-one consultation with a librarian to get personalized support tailored to your needs.

Conclusion: At the Z Mount School Library, we’re committed to fostering a culture of curiosity, inquiry, and lifelong learning. Whether you’re a student, educator, or member of the community, we invite you to explore all that our library has to offer. Come discover, connect, and grow with us at the Z Mount School Library!


“Z MOUNT SCHOOL” an English Medium Co-education situated at Jagatpur, Barahpura (Near Rail Bridge). Bhagalpur (Bihar). The School opens its door for the students from Pre-Nursery to Class VIII and thereafter will add one or more higher classes..

Bhagalpur, Bihar 812002